End The Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness
posted by Unknown Monday, August 21, 2017 0 comments
All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul

If someone is "sick" in the traditional sense, the person doesn’t hesitate to treat their disease. Why do people think differently when it comes to mental illnesses? Mental illnesses are diseases that affect our brain, which is one of the most vital organs in our body. In most cases, people are afraid to seek treatment because they'll be judged by others. It is sad, but that is just the type of society we are part of. That shouldn’t be the case because it only creates more problems than it solves. There are also self-stigmas, however, such as thinking less of yourself because of your mental health.

Because of this public perception, it seems a mental health "stigma" has run rampant amidst our society. People suffering from common mental health illnesses such as depression, anxiety, OCD, and bipolar disorder are put in a position of shame because of their supposed mental "shortcomings." Those who seek treatment and medication often keep their condition a well-guarded secret, while the remaining number of afflicted people will never seek help because of embarrassment and fear of judgment.

I'm here to tell you we need to make a change.

When I tell people that I have suffered from major depressive disorder for the majority of my life, they're shocked. The truth is, depression has no profile. It has no specific target. It can happen to absolutely anyone. At the beginning of my mental health treatment, I was slightly ashamed of myself. Most days getting out of bed was nearly impossible, and going outside and joining society was out of the question. I was inexplicably sad, all of the time, and covered in a shroud of self-pity and internalized hatred. Why was I unable to be like "normal" people? I found my footing and regained the confidence and tools to start living my life.

The thought of people, just like me, suffering in silence for fear of criticism is heartbreaking. Not only is it saddening, it's destructive. Each year, thousands of Americans die from untreated mental illnesses, the majority of these deaths being suicides. It is our jobs as humans, to support those who suffer from mental afflictions. There should be no shame associated with suffering from anxiety or depression, as it is quite simply out of our control.

Let's change the dialogue. Let's uplift others instead of casting them into the dark. If you suffer from a mental health related issue - you are not alone. You are not less beautiful, less intelligent, or less of a person. You are strong, capable and worthy of love.
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